CQC Report

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. It monitors, inspects and regulates services to make sure they meet standards of quality and safety. 

Here are some of the findings from our latest reports:


People were supported and treated with dignity and respect; and involved as partners in their care.

Relatives told us staff supported their loved ones with kindness and compassion. One relative said, "They're friends not just staff and they have become her link to the outside world", and another relative commented, "Two of our carers are beyond compare, they're the best carers we have ever had, they're experienced and have attention to detail."

CQC Report, October 2019



Spot checks on staff were carried out regularly to assess staff whilst working in people's homes. These checks included observing whether the staff member was friendly, personable and professional as well as their communication skills with people.

Reviews with people were carried out every eight weeks and this enabled people to give feedback about the staff who supported them. In the reviews we saw feedback was positive and a person had commented "[Staff] are helpful, chatty and good for a laugh as well."

CQC Report, December 2019

You can view the full report here on the CQC website